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Moovit ou la recherche d'agilité multimodale

Tech – 21 janvier 2019

L’Ambassade d’Israël en France organisait récemment au sein des locaux de We Work, espace de co-working implanté dans le quartier de l’Étoile à Paris, sa conférence dédiée à l’innovation. 

Destinée à créer des ponts entre acteurs de l’innovation en France et investisseurs provenant de la « Startup Nation » – comme certains se plaisent à la décrire – Israël devient aujourd’hui l’Eldorado des Startups en forte croissance. Le pays a atteint la cinquième position des économies les plus innovantes au monde en gagnant cinq places, selon le nouveau classement publié par l’agence Bloomberg. Avec plus 250 000 employés travaillant dans le secteur du High Tech à Tel Aviv, soit près d’un employé sur 10, le pays dispose d’une large place pour accueillir les nouveaux entrants… Moovit choisi d’y implanter son siège social.

Nous avons rencontré Michael Brami, Sales Director EMEA, qui nous parle aujourd’hui de son application « multimodale » pour un voyage pas comme les autres.

CV - Can you introduce yourself to the readers ?

I joined Moovit as Sales Director France in June 2018 to engage transit agencies, cities, municipalities and governments about Moovit’s Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platform and solutions to help them improve urban mobility in their cities. Before that, most recently I was Regional Sales Director for Mobilogy, and Sales Director EMEA for Cellebrite. 

At both companies, either urban mobility or data played a huge roll in their businesses, so I was able to bring my experience of these to my role at Moovit.

CV - Moovit is positioned as a global multi-modal use application for transport. Can you tell us more ?

Moovit is a leading Mobility as a Service (MaaS) provider and the world’s number 1 urban mobility app. Moovit simplifies your urban mobility all around the world, making getting around town via transit easier and more convenient. By combining information from public transit operators and authorities with live information from the user community, Moovit offers travelers a real-time picture, including the best way for the journey by bus, train, bike and alternative transit options like ride-sharing, bike-sharing and dockless mobility. Moovit combines all your transit needs into one app, which is why over 350 million people use it worldwide.

Moovit’s network of more than 550 000 local editors called « Mooviters » are passionate users who help map and maintain local transit information in cities that would otherwise be unserved. Mooviters account for 65 percent of the hundreds of cities Moovit opens every year and make Moovit the « Wikipedia of Transit. » Between Moovit’s dedicated operations team and with the help of the Mooviters, Moovit is able to open a new city on its app every 15 hours, offering the widest global coverage of any urban mobility app, and allows us to have the most accurate information available. Moovit is currently available in over 2,700 cities across 87 countries and in 44 languages – this makes us truly global.

CV - What are its main features ?

Commuters will find the latest public transit times, transit maps, and where available, real-time line arrivals based on GPS devices on-board buses, subways and trains. They can plan their trip from door-to-door using a multitude of transit options, locate nearby stations and travel with on-the-go live navigation guidance to ensure a smooth ride. Other features include service alerts to warn of any major service disruptions, and get-off alerts so riders don’t miss their stop.

CV - Your economic model is based on a micro-paiement system for users ?

Moovit licenses its products to transit agencies, cities, and governments to allow them to improve and regain control of urban mobility in their cities by providing a sustainable and integrated mobility platform that leverage the power of big data analytics for the smartest, most accurate and efficient solutions.

For cities and municipalities Moovit offers a Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Platform, allowing them to provide citizens a state of the art urban mobility app which is a private-label of Moovit with integrated ticketing and mobile payment.

For Transit Agencies Moovit offers TimePro, a real-time vehicule location system that allows buses to share accurate and reliable location and using that accurate real-time arrivals are delivered to passengers waiting at stops.

The third product we offer Agencies and Municipalities is « Moovit Transport On-Demand », a transportation management solution that solves first/last mile problems through provision of dynamic routing for shuttles.

CV - What about your ambition for the group and how can this service, today facilitate the daily life of the "citizens of the world" moving in an urban perimeter ?

Moovit’s mission is to improve urban mobility for cities and consumers all around the world. Moovit aspires to be part of every urban mobility journey and reach one billion users by 2021. Our aim is to remove barriers like first and last mile difficulties and provide multi-modal transit options so that we can help reduce the number of people using single-occupancy vehicles and encourage them to use alternative types of transit that will reduce traffic congestion in cities, and ultimately positively impact the environment.

We like to say, "You ride, Moovit guides."

CV - Today Moovit is implemented worldwide - What are the countries in which the implementation of MOOVIT has been most effective ? How do you explain that ?

Moovit has a strong following all around the world, in particular in countries where citizens rely heavily on public transport in Europe like France, Italy and Spain, as well as Argentina, Mexico and Brazil in Latin America. People are looking for ways to make their commute and every day journeys smoother and not waste time waiting for a bus that’s not coming. Transit agencies work with Moovit to improve service for their users. With better service, ridership increases. Moovit also works with transit agencies to carry out passenger surveys which would usually cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and be out of date by the time the data is analysed. Moovit’s survey results are ready within hours and allow the operators to listen to their customers, also helping improve further the experience of riding transit locally.

More than 100 cities and global events, including Rio de Janeiro for the 2016 Olympics, AS Roma Football Club and the Euroleague Basketball, have made Moovit their official urban mobility partner. These types of partnerships also help consumers gain awareness of Moovit.

In countries like the U.S. where cars are the predominant mode of transport, there is a mentality that it will cost millions or billions of dollars to improve outdated transit systems, as changes in infrastructure can be expensive and arduous. However with Moovit’s MaaS solutions, technology can help make changes that are cost-effective and fast to implement, which will make transit more efficient and encourage ridership to increase. In turn, this will increase profits that they will be able to pump back into the transit system.

CV - Last February, Moovit announced an additional round of financing, raising $50 million to expand its expansion - Today you claim more than 330 million cumulative users and according to Nir Erez, co-creator and CEO of the group, you claim to exceed 1 billion by 2021 - How do you intend to achieve this ? What is your strategy ?

Traffic congestion is getting worse and people are becoming more environmentally conscious, so they are looking for alternatives to driving. Moovit allows people to leave their car for weekend trips and use public transit for their daily commute. As we continue to grow, and spread the word about Moovit, our users grow exponentially. With the launch of our MaaS platform and solutions, we are helping improve urban mobility in cities, which in turn leads to increase ridership and as a result more users.

Moovit is confident it will reach the goal of one billion users by 2021, but really, our most important objective is to improve urban mobility for all around the world. We like to say, « You ride,  Moovit guides. »

À propos

Moovit est une entreprise de données et d’analyses de mobilité urbaine. Pionnière de la Mobilité en tant que Service (MaaS) et développeur d’une application gratuite de transport en commun comptant plus de 300 millions d’utilisateurs, à travers 2600 villes et dans 85 pays. La collecte de données est facilitée par le réseau de Moovit qui se compose de plus de 450 000 éditeurs locaux appelés « Mooviters ». 

L’application Moovit est disponible gratuitement sur iOS, Android et le Web dans plus de 2600 villes, à travers 85 pays, et peut être utilisée dans 44 langues. 

Pour en savoir plus et télécharger l’application Moovit